From the lecture hall to the office: our internship at amce studios.

Management Summary:


2 students from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences report on their internship at amce studios.


Why did you choose amce studios and what expertise do you bring to the table?


Comparisons and connections between theoretical studies and everyday agency work.

When studying online communication, students acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge. However, this connection only becomes clear in professional life. The new interns at amce studios share their first impressions and report on how their studies complement their new experiences.

We are Leonie Seidel and Bianca Rauth, online communication students at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, and since the beginning of September we have been completing a six-month internship at the digital agency amce studios in Darmstadt. After more than two years of studying, during which we built up theoretical knowledge and worked on many fictional projects, we now want to finally gain practical experience in a real company.

Why we chose amce studios.

amce studios, a digital agency based in Darmstadt, Germany, was founded by Amelie Diehl and Cedric Coors with the mission to create unique brands through authentic marketing, memorable visuals & strong messaging. The agency offers full-service solutions such as web experience, branding, social media and 3D design. We were particularly impressed by the fact that Amelie Diehl herself studied online communication at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences a few years ago and also teaches at the university.
In addition, amce studios' stylish website and high-quality projects reflect the standards we developed for ourselves during our studies. after a convincing interview and getting to know the friendly team, it was clear to us that we definitely wanted to become part of this agency and learn more from the professionals.

What know-how do we "Onkomms" bring to amce studios from our studies?

When studying online communication at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, we learn how digital communication is strategically designed and perfectly tailored to the respective target groups.
The course combines theoretical principles with practical projects and covers important areas such as online marketing, PR, media law, web analysis and online monitoring. We acquire in-depth knowledge in the development and implementation of digital campaigns and the data-driven analysis of communication measures. We can adapt these perfectly to clients, as we have worked on many fictitious and sometimes real assignments during the course of our studies. Thanks to our intensive collaboration in numerous group projects, we are able to quickly familiarize ourselves with different projects and react flexibly to new requirements - which makes us valuable team members. All of this makes us "Onkomms" ideal candidates for agencies such as amce studios and gives us a good start to our careers.

Our expectations of the internship.

Our expectations of the internship at amce studios are high. A combination of practice and theory is already guaranteed during our studies. Through so-called learning agencies, students are given an assignment from an external client and work together with 1-2 lecturers to produce a suitable result. This insight into working with real clients was very motivating, as it felt for the first time as if the work you put into your tasks was really meaningful and important. After completing two learning agencies, our desire to work on customer projects during our internship was awakened.

We would also like to get to know the daily routine and processes in an agency. We are particularly interested in how coordination between the departments works and how things are done when a new, large, unstructured customer project comes up.

The first weeks of the internship.

At the beginning of the internship, we were given a comprehensive overview of the agency's ongoing projects and internal processes. Step by step, we were integrated into the work and gained a first impression of the collaboration between the agency and its clients. It quickly became clear that, although there are many parallels to the theoretical knowledge from our studies in online communication, the day-to-day work at the agency is much more dynamic and practice-oriented. While general concepts and methods are often taught at university, each project at the agency requires a tailored approach and specific specialist knowledge. The flexibility and adaptability required here go far beyond what we learned in the context of student projects. Nevertheless, a clear structure is maintained, similar to that of a degree course.

Another clear difference is the daily distribution of tasks, which is associated with short deadlines and clear responsibility. This is very different from the semester projects in the degree course, where a large task is worked on over several months. The daily tasks give us a greater sense of responsibility, which increases our motivation and at the same time answers many questions that were only dealt with theoretically during our studies. The practical work at the agency shows how theoretical knowledge is applied in real projects and illustrates how important it is to think flexibly and with a practical orientation - an aspect that can often only be learned to a certain extent during studies.

Our initial findings.

After the first few weeks of our internship, we are certain that we have made the right choice with amce studios! The projects and tasks we are working on here fit perfectly with what we had in mind for our professional future. The experience we are gaining here will be of great importance for our future careers and will complement what we are learning in our studies.

Our goals for the future.

Our plan for the coming months is to get as much out of the internship as possible. We want to be involved in all project areas and gain a lot of experience - about customer projects and also about the different departments here at amce studios. We are also looking forward to spending time with the whole team, working together on new projects and learning under the best possible conditions.



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amce studios GmbH is an owner-managed digital agency based in Darmstadt. Since its founding, its customers have included large and medium-sized companies, up-and-coming start-ups and ambitious new entrepreneurs from the technology, energy, environment, retail and fashion sectors. As a full-service agency, customers are supported regionally, nationally and worldwide in all areas of web experience, branding, social media and 3D design. amce studios GmbH is part of the amce studios group.